Friday, July 11, 2008

11-13: Nelson Family Reunion 2008

Greeting the relatives when we arrived at the farm.

Walking up the canyon to scout out where to pitch our tent, we were joined by Nick's Grace on her way to go hunting.

The annual race down the dugway--in memory of the childhood days of those who were raised at the farm (like my mom) and in memory of loved ones we've lost.

The last heat of runners.  Clara races with Aunt Becky.

Emma loves to swing, and it's good for her.

Grandma Jeanne sings us "Redwing's Lament"

Lilly is a picky eater, but Clara's not!

Monday, July 7, 2008

7- Our First Real Family Vacation to "Yellowstone"

We stopped on our way there to buy firewood and ice.  It was a hot day and Eli took advantage
of the cool treat.  Lilly wanted some too, but we didn't clue into what she was saying until later.

After lunch at a park in West Yellowstone.  Clara Wonder-Woman

Majestic mother

The fledgling

The first wildlife we saw, within minutes of entering the park.  Awe inspiring.  One of the best moments of the trip.

We're bulky enough to demand the right of way and set our own pace too!

Comming through. (Basil this one's for you.)

Our first morining in camp.

Our tidy little home for a week.

Clara did NOT want to ride in the stroller.

As you'll see Daddy switched Lilly into a pack instead. The audio on this is a little windy, but the scenery--when Clara got to the bank she looked around and said, "Daddy, this is beauuutiful!" 

A hot spring flowing down into a river.

Look at the steam rise.

Old Faithfull Gyser near sunset.

Alex's beutiful photograph captures the spout and steam.

The waiting was worth it.

Is it ever going to erupt?

Elias built a nest for his new souvineer.

This game is fun!

The imagination is engaged.

These furry frineds were everywhere.  We saw some everyday.

A giant growling grizzly inside the lodge.

Self explanitory.

Eil straddling the continent.

It's neat to be here, but even better to be here together.

The trail to Fishing Bridge.

Clara was happy-go-lucky.

A mom and her girls.

The same piling where I had my picture taken 26 years earlier, and where Aunt Elaine had her picture taken when she was a girl.

The river (Yellowstone) was so high!

It was hotter than it looks.

Thank goodness for water shoes.  She went wading.

Soggy socks.

Daddy stopped filming to rescue Clara.

There were no turnouts to view this spectacular waterfall, but everyone was stopping anyway--traffic jam.

One of our favorite sites.

One beauty viewing another beauty.

Who's the King of the Hill?

Alex worked so hard putting in overtime so we could afford the trip, packing, driving all night, pitching camp in the twilight, and keeping us on the go.  Finally his back gave out.  We took our morning slow and spent the afternoon at Canyon Village.  We borrowed a wheel chair at the visitor's center and explored the shops.  In the evening he was feeling better and we got to tour the verge and view points of Upper and Lower Falls.  

A black bear (but we did see some real ones too.)

A regal Elk.

Don't get too close.  (Actually we were gratefull for the zoom feature on our terrific camera.  We saw some other foolish visitors who were getting too close to this big guy.) 

Do Elk graze or browse?

The yellow stone of Yellowstone Canyon

Lower Falls from Artist's Point

The Yellowstone River

The yellow  and white and pink and red and brown stone of Yellowstone Canyon.

The sight, the sound, the feel of it.  Wow.

(Eli only felt safe if he and Lilly wore harnesses.)

Skip this one.  See the next one.

Distractrd kids. Raging river. The falls.

Eli the bull and daredevil Clara

It's really fun to hold the world in your hands.

The brink of UpperFalls

The rest of us

Alex's signature flower photos--this time wildflowers.

More georgeous scenery.

Baby bear

Adult bear

Mamoth Hot Spring